Books are a kids' best friend. This one is no different. Kids of all ages can appreciate the story and the lesson. Oh yeah - there may be some power packed content for parents and teachers, too!
What a precious book! Character education with fantastic characters that represent today’s youth! Very timely, too- who doesn’t need help dealing with frustration right now?! As an educator and a mom, I can certainly say that you need this book on your shelf. Your family will reference it time and time again!
Dr. Rachel C.
Elementary Literacy Interventionist
Books (or Literature) can be a great springboard for discussing ways to cope/express feelings. Logan Loses Her Cool, with its engaging illustrations, is a must have in every classroom to help children learn how to express their feelings.
Carla J.
2nd Grade Teacher
LOGAN AND LUCKY! This story offers many quick tips for teaching children to manage their response to their emotions. I am so excited to have the opportunity to share this book and future books with teachers and families as they strive to enhance the social-emotional skills of children!
Cheryl F. M., EdS
Social Emotional Learning Coach